Strathmore Court Homeowners Association
Coram, NY



Maintenance Guidelines

The following is a summary of the Association's responsibilities with regard to maintenance of the common area.


  1. SNOW REMOVAL: Our streets are owned and cleared by the Town of Brookhaven. The clubhouse area is maintained by the Association. Home driveways and walkways are the responsibility of the homeowner.
  2. LAWN MAINTENANCE: The Association employs contractors to maintain the common area lawns. The specification includes spring cleanup, fall cleanup, grass cutting weekly in growing season, trimming weekly, and edging monthly. These are subject to change and adjustment based on weather.
  3. LAWN CHEMICALS: The Association employs a licensed contractor to apply the following chemicals on the lawns:
    • fertilization - 4 applications
    • weed killer - 2 application
    • crab grass pre-emergent - 1 application
    • liming - as required
    The above specifications are subject to change.
  4. PLANTING BEDS: All beds adjacent to homes that are not modified by homeowners (including flowers, plantings, or mulching) are maintained by the Association’s lawn maintenance contractor. Maintenance includes spring and fall clean-ups and pruning of the shrubbery, twice per season. No beds are allowed on common ground. Custom pruning is the responsibility of the homeowner.
  5. TREES PLANTED IN THE COMMON AREA: These shall be maintained by the Association. Trees planted within the homeowner’s plot lines shall be the responsibility of the homeowner to maintain and remove if necessary. No trees are to be planted on common ground.
  6. IRRIGATION SYSTEM: This is maintained by the Association staff and/or outside contractors. Service request forms are available at the clubhouse or online at
  7. SEWER LINES: Those that are affected by common area tree roots or breakage shall be the responsibility of the Association. This does not include blockage or stoppage due to unnatural causes (e.g. diapers, excess paper, feminine napkins, etc.). Reimbursement will be made in certain cases. The Association also covers defects of sewer lines due to such things as bad pitch, when determined by a professional service and approved by the Association.
  8. PARKING SPACES: There are two (2) spaces for non-commercial vehicles assigned per household located in the common area; these are maintained by the Association. The Association reseals the parking pads every 3 years on a rotation schedule. All cars MUST be removed at that time so we may complete that work.
  9. ROADWAYS, CURBING, SIDEWALKS, APRONS: These are dedicated to the Town of Brookhaven, which is responsible for their maintenance; such maintenance is based on the Town’s budget and standards. To report damage, contact the Town of Brookhaven’s Superintendent of Highways at 631-451-9200.


  1. The Association is not responsible for any interior repairs.
  2. CONCRETE WALKS: The Association will repair cracks wider than ¼ inch based on an ongoing maintenance program and will replace flags as necessary, due to liability issues. Repairs will be completed  on a priority basis.
  3. DRIVEWAYS: The Association will repair and/or replace driveways according to need as part of an ongoing maintenance program. Repairs due to damages from oil, grease, and/or auto work will be billed back to the homeowner. Generally inspections are done in the spring. Repairs and/or replacements are done according to available budget and are based on condition. To report a serious condition, go to the community website and enter a request at
  4. DRIVEWAY SEALING: This is done on a rotation basis every three (3) years. All cars MUST be removed at that time so that work can be completed.
  5. COMMON WALLS/FENCES (SHARED): Originally constructed by the developers, these must be maintained by each homeowner equally. Common fences/wall or fences/gates at the rear of each individual property must be maintained by the homeowner. Those found to be in disrepair may either be torn down or repaired by the Association at the expense of the homeowner.
  6. ROOFS1: Exterior maintenance or repair is limited to the outer extremities of the building only. Cost effective minor repairs to the roofs are the responsibility of the Association. The Association will replace missing shingles and will tar roof vents on Carriage Homes, only. The Association will not replace roof vents. The homeowner is responsible for the physical sheathing, rafters, and flashing which are part of the structure.
    1As of 2010 all roofs in the community have been replaced once. The Association will no longer replace roofs, as this project is no longer included in the HOA operating budget or its Reserves Fund Program. SHR and Levitt Homes are no longer covered as they require complete replacements. Maintenance to these roofs is no longer cost effective.
  7. ATTIC VENTS (COVERS): Those that are located on the sides of homes will be replaced by the Association.
  8. CHIMNEYS, CHIMNEY CAPS, FLASHINGS, SKYLIGHTS: These are the responsibility of the homeowner.
  9. GUTTERS AND LEADERS2: These are the responsibility of the homeowner.
  10. FASCIA2: These are repaired by the Association.

    2NOTE: The gutter and leaders should be replaced during fascia repair at the homeowner’s expense and coordinated with The Management Company.
  11. SHEDS: Sheds which are attached to homes and were built by developers are the responsibility of the homeowner to maintain and replace. Unattached sheds of any type require the pre-authorization of the Association and are the sole responsibility of the homeowner.
  12. SIDING: Siding is limited to the outer extremities of homes (e.g. vinyl, wood, clapboard). The Association may maintain them on an as–needed basis if possible, subject to the availability of material. Cedar shakes and plywood T-11 were removed as part of a special replacement program. Any cedar shakes/plywood which remain in place as of 1/1/2005 are the responsibility of the homeowner. All brick/stone facades are not included. Major repairs and/or replacements are the responsibility of the homeowner. Homeowners who wish to install/replace vinyl siding must obtain the permission of the Association and must choose siding from the sample books available at the clubhouse.
  13. COLUMNS/PEDIMENTS: Their repair and/or maintenance are the responsibility of the Association.
  14. SHUTTERS: The Association will maintain and/or replace shutters in either black or white only when deemed necessary by the Association.
  15. CARRIAGE HOME EXTERIOR GARAGE DOORS AND REPLACEMENT WINDOWS: The homeowner is responsible for the painting and maintenance of all exterior doors, windows, and sidelights which are attached to the door system. They must conform to the original colors and style style, and the appropriate color is Benjamin Moore & Co.’s Exterior Country Redwood #09623. It can be purchased at local Aboff’s stores.
  16. SADDLES/SILLS (AREAS BELOW DOORSTEPS): These will be maintained by the Association.
  17. POWER WASHING: This can lift siding and shingles and can damage exterior finishes. It is not recommended or provided by the Association. Nevertheless, the homeowner is responsible for maintaining the appearance of the home’s exterior.
  18. WASPS/BEES: The Association will remove them only if they are found on common grounds. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to remove them from homeowner property.
  19. FIRE ALARMS (Levitt & Carriage Homes ONLY): This is a homeowner’s responsibility. Those alarms connected to a common system must be available for inspection, as necessary, by PSE&G and/or an alarm company, and should be checked by the homeowners yearly for proper working order.
  20. BURIED OIL TANKS: The homeowner is responsible for their maintenance, inspection, and replacement. The approval of the Association is necessary for the replacement location of tanks. Homeowners must conform to Town of Brookhaven and Environmental Protection Agency rules.
  21. FOUNDATIONS: The homeowner is responsible for their maintenance and repair. Periodic inspections should be made to prevent damages due to natural freezing and thawing processes.


The Strathmore Court Homeowners Association, Inc. is not responsible for any repairs or replacements to the home caused by an insurable event, including removal of trees within the homeowner plot.

Insurable events include, but are not limited to, windstorms, severe blizzards, major rainstorms, hurricanes, fires, etc.

Homeowners are required by the by-laws and declaration to insure their homes (HO3 policy). The community is a Townhome PUD and not a condominium-type development.

INSURANCE: The homeowner is responsible for properly obtaining dwelling insurance. The proper policy is an “HO3 type”. Coverage should include full replacement cost for the home, general liability and contents coverage. It is recommended that the homeowner obtain legal and professional insurance advice as required.


The Association does not insure the homes and accordingly does not carry homeowner's insurance. Homeowners must insure their deeded property.

NOTE: All major repairs must meet Association standards and the architectural appearance of the community must be adhered to.


POLICY: The Strathmore Court Homeowners Association, Inc. is responsible for “reasonable cost effective” repairs to the home.

This means that when a repair cost is deemed to be unreasonable compared to the cost of TOTAL replacement (in lieu of partial repair), the repair will not be completed by the Association.

Homeowners, at all times, are responsible for ANY maintenance to their homes that is not a “reasonable cost effective repair” and/or one that requires actual replacement of the asset. (See examples below.)

Repair costs must be reasonable, cost effective, and generally provide a repair that is lasting vs. temporary.


  1. A roof repair which requires excessive expenditure and is large in area must be done by the homeowner. SHR and Levitt Homes are no longer covered, as they require complete replacements. Maintenance to these roofs is no longer cost effective.
  2. Siding on the home is in need of repairs, however the siding is in poor condition. In addition the undercore of framing is rotten. This repair requires the homeowner to replace the siding and the undercore at his/her expense.

DATE: May, 2018